Janzu is a key to consciousness, a connection portal to all the memory that water keeps.
Your experience can take you to very deep places of your being, to remember ancient memories, return to the origin or finding yourself.
Life: "Her purpose is to give life, her purpose is to nurture Mother Nature with the principles of life formation. This is how life was created, here in the water..."
Liberation: "I am in a wheelchair due to a premature birth, therefore I have cerebral palsy and I am very fascinated with the results of two intensive Janzu sessions because during those two sessions the flexibility of my body increased enormously, they stretched my muscles; and beyond that, I felt a mixture of joy and release of emotions that very few therapies can offer along with a very strong physical benefit "
Confidence: "Janzu as a leitmotif connected us all, helped us communicate, get to know each other, trust, and heal ourselves."